Chef’s Omakase Course
Today’s soup, seafood, pasta, meat, and dessert
¥9,900 (¥10,890 tax incl.)
Saturday Hawaiian Brunch Course
Today’s soup, brunch “Hawaiian Style” local plate, and dessert
¥4,500 (¥4,950 tax incl.)

About the Menu
At Mark’s, we pride ourselves on using locally sourced ingredients from farmers across Japan. We receive vegetables at the peak of ripeness, and create a seasonal menu based on what the farmers send us. Our seafood comes to us directly from the Toyosu Fish Market, and our animal proteins are sourced from small farmers in the countryside of Honshu and Kyushu.
Mark was raised in a household with a Japanese father who worked as a chef, and an Italian-American mother who often made classic Italian meals. Mark’s cuisine is heavily influenced by his parents cooking and the flavors he grew up with. With a constantly changing menu, no meal at Mark’s will ever be the same.
Mark’s Tokyoのこだわりは、日本各地から仕入れた、新鮮な旬の食材にあります。畑から直送された食べ頃の野菜を前に、季節毎にメニューを考えています。魚介類は豊洲市場から直接買い付け、また肉類も本州や九州の小さな牧場から、シェフが納得したものだけを取り寄せています。